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I thought I was supposed to get more money back this year?!

If you end up with a result on your tax return that doesn’t match with what you expected, the question that you need to ask is WHY. The answer will often involve several factors, and your specific situation will determine what factors were relevant. We will often have a CPA immediately available that can walk you through the answer to this important question. Our availability to our clients is a source of great pride for us. In the uncommon event that Bob or Brandan are not available at the time you pick up your tax return, one of them will reach out to you at your request. The more information you have, the less likely you are to be surprised next year.

We don’t like surprises either. April 15th will be here before you know it, but that doesn’t mean that you should forget about us until next year.  The more we know about your situation, the more we can help you plan and strategize. Keep us updated throughout the year to any changes to your tax situation. We love to hear from you!


Robert D. Russell, CPA PC

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